Alina Utrata

About Me

My name is Alina Utrata and I am a Stanford student majoring in History and the Law. I'm very interested in human rights and international law and their impact on preventing mass atrocities and post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction. Feel free to look at my resume or contact me.


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Stanford University • Stanford, CA • Started 2013   
• Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and the Law, to be conferred 6/2017
• GPA - 3.8

Georgetown University • Washington D.C. • 2012
• Summer Honors Intensive
• GPA - 4.0


Research Assistant • Stanford University • Started November 2015 
•Assisting Professor Norman Naimark with his book on the history of genocide

Global Studies Intern • Balkan Institute for Conflict Resolution, Responsibility and Reconciliation • June 2015 – August 2015 • Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
•Assisted with project focusing on the role of moral exemplars in intergroup reconciliation processes
•Conducted literature review on social-psychological interventions in post-conflict settings
•Worked with a local NGO that implements and tests social-psychological intervention design

Research Assistant • Stanford University • April 2015 – August 2015 • Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)
•Conducted research for Dr. Joe Felter on a project about the Iranian Strategy in Iraq
•Compiled information on Iraqi Shi’ite militants and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps
•Wrote summaries of research information and proof-read articles for publication

Course Assistant • Stanford University • September 2014 – March 2015 • Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS)
•Course: HISTORY 4N History of Genocide 
•Organized class logistics and communicated with students
•Participated in class discussions and presented research for unit on international criminal law in Bosnia
•Curated historical photos and documents for course textbook written by the professor

Research Assistant • Stanford International Relations Summer Research College • June 2014 – August 2014 • Stanford University
•Researched the impact of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on reconciliation in Bosnia
•Interviewed Balkans historians, international lawyers, and social psychologists on campus 
•Researched primary sources available online and in Hoover Archives Collection

Student Worker • Stanford Bing Overseas Studies Program • January 2014 – June 2014 
•Supported BOSP staff in managing student applications and travel coordination
•Facilitated daily office logistics and administrative tasks
•Communicated effectively between staff and student workers about completing tasks


Silas Palmer Research Fellow • The Hoover Institution, Stanford University • Started December 2015 
•Independent research fellow at the Hoover Institution, researching California's forced sterilization program.

CREEES Summer Research/Travel Grant • Stanford Center for Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies • June 2015
•Travel grant for a research project on the impact of the Outreach Program of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Bosnia
•Conducted interviews with ICTY officials and victims groups in Srebrenica, Bosnia; Sarajevo, Bosnia; and The Hague, The Netherlands

Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration Conference Travel Grant • Stanford Global Studies • April 2015
•Travel grant to Istanbul, Turkey for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
•Participated in commemoration events organized by Armenian Project 2015 throughout Istanbul 
•Attended academic conference “The Armenian Genocide: Concepts and Comparative Perspectives” hosted at Boğaziçi University


Stanford Model United Nations Conference • Secretary-General • January 2015 – November 2015
•Organized Model United Nations conference for 600+ high school delegates
•Managed 80 person staff to facilitate 15 Model UN committees run by Stanford students
•Oversaw $40,000 budget, conference logistics, training and communication
•Redesigned and maintained the conference website at

Stanford Journal of International Relations • Webmaster • Started September 2013
•Redesigned and upkeep club’s website and maintain online social media presence
•Facilitate working group of editors’ work on correcting and improving submissions
•Collaborate with authors and finalize academic papers for publication

Society for International Affairs at Stanford • Development Chair, Operations Officer • Started October 2013 
•Organize logistics for speaker series, general meetings and other club events
•Redesigned and upkeep club’s website and maintain online social media presence
•Occupy position on the Society for International Affairs’ Board of Directors


A Greek and a Persian: The Influence of Plato on Ayatollah Khomeini
•Avicenna: The Stanford Journal on Muslim Affairs, Winter 2015

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